The return to Green Turtle Cay in June 2012 actually started in late December 2011 on the long drive from Dallas, Texas to spend Christmas and New Years in northern Wisconsin. It was not difficult to poll the kids in the back seat to confirm that returning to GTC was agreeable with them.
With the decision made, the planning effort began in the week between Christmas and New Years. A fire was set in the fireplace and the snow piled up outside the cabin at Smoky Lake, but inside the internet was providing access to several web sites that were reviewed to determine what cottages might be available that met our travel needs and desired timing.
Over the years, we have stayed at numerous rentals, including several that are no longer on the rental market. For 2012 we would need accommodations for 6-8 people spanning three generations of family.
After a serious effort to check the availability of rentals, travel schedules of the potential travelers and the availability of flights we were able to hone-in on our travel dates and reserve Bananaquit for our 2012 trip. Flexing schedules to travel on weekdays lowered the cost of our flights and by-passed the issue of American Airlines not offering Sunday flights to TCB.
Bananaquit |
Airline tickets were purchased and the rental deposit was mailed. The journey has begun!
Past stays include: Cavu, Sprinkles, Spotswood, Topsy, Turtle, Twin Gables, Peaceful Times and Paradox.
Topsy Turtle |
Twin Gables |
Peaceful Times |
Paradox |